LIVE event

How to write, submit and publish regularly

A webinar for academics and graduate students

About this event

In this webinar, I'll take you through my three-step process for creating a regular writing practice that is enjoyable rather than stressful. You'll understand what is getting in the way of your progress and how you can overcome those challenges.

You'll learn how to:

  • Create and protect your writing time — I will show you how to prioritise yourself and your writing time so that you connect with your document most days.
  • Use your time efficiently — I will help you get clear and confident on what you want to say so that you can make the most of the little time that you have and make steady progress over days, weeks and months.
  • Submit with confidence — I will teach you how to edit your work efficiently and then let go, despite your fears of rejection, so that you can get your work out into the world and help others with your research.

The event will be recorded, and all registrants will be send the recording.

I just would like to thank you for an excellent webinar and the most practical and useful strategies and tips I've ever received!

About the presenter

Malini did her PhD and a postdoc in the 1990s before realising she was in the wrong career. She has been a professional editor since 2004 and now works as a mindset coach, helping graduate students and academic staff members overcome their imposter syndrome so that they can enjoy a regular writing practice.

Many thanks for the webinars; I look forward to them and have found them useful. I find you engaging and your suggestions very practical.

Presented by

Dr Malini Devadas

May 8, 2024
7:00pm Australian Eastern Time

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    When it comes to academic writing, much of the common advice includes 'get up earlier in the morning' and 'just do it'.

    However, having worked with many academic staff and students over the years, I know that a huge reason for lack of writing progress is not only because of a lack of time or skill. It is often related to how people feel about themselves and their expertise.

    We are emotional beings (not robots) so we need to acknowledge how much our feelings affect our writing.